
Neverwinter nights platinum key codes
Neverwinter nights platinum key codes

Dm_modifyspellresistence Modify your spell resistence. Dm_cowsfromhell Just try this one, it's great dm_modifyattackbase # Modify your base to-hit bonus. Hidepartynames Hide your party's names on the sidebar. Dm_heal: Heal all damage done to your main character. GiveXP # Gives that number of XP: dm_levelup: Gives you just enough XP to gain one level. DebugMode 1: Enables Codes: dm_givegold # Enter amount of gold wanted in replace of # GiveXP # Give a set amount of XP.

neverwinter nights platinum key codes

Neverwinter Nights Platinum Cd Key Codesĭisables Codes: dm_gettime: Display current game time. Dm_heal Heal all damage done to your main character. GiveXP # Gives that number of XP dm_levelup Gives you just enough XP to gain one level. DebugMode 1 Enables Codes dm_givegold # Enter amount of gold wanted in replace of # GiveXP # Give a set amount of XP. DebugMode 0 Disables Codes dm_gettime Display current game time. Neverwinter Nights Platinum Key Generatorĭm_modifysavewill # Change your will saving throw. Dm_modifysavereflex # Change your reflex saving throw. Dm_modifysavefortitude # Change your fortitude saving throw. SetAppearance (001-298) Change your character's appearance. No class restrictions.ĭm_modifyage # Change your character's age. In game codes Press ~ to access console Effect Code ModCHA # Add specific number to Charisma ModCON # Add specific number to Constitution ModDEX # Add specific number to Dexterity ModINT # Add specific number to Intelligence ModSTR # Add specific number to Strength ModWIS # Add specific number to Wisdom dm_allspells 1 Allows the use of every spell in the game.

neverwinter nights platinum key codes

Neverwinter Nights Platinum Cd Key Codes.

neverwinter nights platinum key codes

Neverwinter Nights Platinum PC Game 2004 Complete with Keys. Neverwinter Nights Platinum Key Generator Neverwinter Nights Code Key Neverwinter Nights Platinum Cd Key Generator Neverwinter - Cloak of the Vine - Key Code (Read Description) Brand New.

Neverwinter nights platinum key codes